Friday, October 2, 2015

Prayer for our daughter

After finding out that I was pregnant we definitely felt like we were flying blind - we didn't know so many things, including the health or sex of our baby. I was comforted by 2 Timothy 2:19, knowing that our foundation in God's word was firm & that our baby was known by God.

I prayed and still pray over our daughter's body - for her physical health, but I also pray the prayer below as well.

I don't want her to have better things than I had, I want her to have better values.  We will never know what the future holds for her but we can rest in knowing that God's plan for her life is far above what
we could imagine & she can be strong & courageous because His faithful love for her will not fail. Jer 29:11, Deut 31:6

-Our prayer-
Feet that stand firm in their beliefs
Legs that walk with purpose in their calling
A backbone that upholds what is just
Arms that reach to those in need
Hands that hold with strength and love
Lips that speak words of wisdom tempered by compassion and grace
Eyes that see the good in every situation
Ears that hear Your voice above the chaos in this world
A mind of understanding & a heart that beats fervent and faithful
The Creator's love for us is deep, unapologetic, consuming and powerful leaving no place for fear, doubt, guilt & anxiety, may we find peace in his compassion and faithfulness to us.

God bless you,
~D & H