Friday, January 5, 2018

New year, new...


I recently saw this video of Jessica Alba demonstrating how she creates her beach waves and GIRL let me tell you, it changed how I do my hair.  These are the low-key, not trying too hard waves that dreams are made of.  YASSS. 

Also, if your hair is naturally a dry, frizzy, hot mess like mine this Chi Argan Oil is legit. 

Waving at the new year, 
D & H 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Be Smarter Than Your Toddler: Part I

I see a lot of toddlers throwing tantrums and having meltdowns while the mom is doing her best to figure out how to handle the situation.  

Girl, we've all been there *hunger games salute*

I thought I would write about a few things that are working for me right now when it comes to getting my toddler to be less insane, without using screen time.  

Yep, I'm trying to outsmart my toddler.  Simple, not necessarily easy.   

Okay, you totally saw that one coming, but it is my go-to. I really try to avoid situations that will require a grown-up attention span in a confined space, a shopping trip at 5pm, a missed nap (dear Lord NO!!!) or a long day of dragging my kid to and fro.  

Plan. Plan. Plan. 
Whether it is grocery shopping trips, coffee dates with girlfriends or just regular errands, plan it for a time of day when your kid can handle it, for us that is typically right after breakfast. 

Say no to people.  
Like, a lot. Whether it is a party or even a simple dinner out, people don't think of how your child will respond to THAT situation, and guess what, that isn't their job, it is YOURS, and if your kid goes HAM while you're there, it is your job to fix it. Sounds fun right? 

Look, if you want to be shushing a screaming child outside of a restaurant while everyone else eats, BY ALL MEANS do it. For me, if we get invited to a dinner out I do this: offer to host dessert afterwards at our house AFTER bedtime. I get to enjoy our friends. Our toddler stays on her sleep schedule. BOOM.

Get up a little earlier than your kids. 
I said it. I know, I'm sorry. It's like I've cursed in your face.  

I really am sorry to say it, but if you have a toddler, it is just easier to do your morning routine when they are asleep.  I'd like to look like a functioning humanoid, get lunches made, the car loaded up with my work and gym bags, and get some coffee going for us in the mornings - this takes me twice as long if my little morning person is up with me.  Although, when she is up with me, it is adorable watching her mimic putting on deodorant, I don't know why but it is just the cutest thing ever.     

We definitely can't avoid all situations that will test the limits of our kid's good behavior.  For those times, I think it is crucial to plan ahead and bring a few (quiet) distractions.  Food and toys are the game changers. 

I try to make snack bags with veggies, fruit and crackers whenever I have a few extra minutes. That way when we need to leave the house I can just grab a few from the fridge or pantry and we are out the door. 

Right now what is working for me is the dollar store. I stock up on stickers, small pads of paper and small random toys.  I keep a few of the small, novel toys in my purse for the unexpected meltdown worthy situations that always seem to pop up.  I also keep a little purse with the stickers, snacks, a few crayons and a small pad of paper in the car

She is totally into stickers right now (which if you know me, you know I CANNOT even touch a sticker without wanting to gag) but they keep her interest and are a great way for her to learn colors, animals and be creative.   Thank you Jesus for making THAT her favorite thing. 

I don't think enough can be said about sitting down and playing with our kids. That time we invest in them fosters a trust, security and comfort that will allow our toddlers to be themselves, teach them to listen and respond to us and just as important - show them that we also listen and respond to them.  

Spending time with our kids is always an investment, we may not always know when or what the return on that investment will be - but children learn through play, so one way we can teach is through play. 

Have a short memory
Ever notice how your little one can be completely losing their mind one minute and be giggling and laughing with you the next?  Although it probably seems nuts, we should take a cue from them...sometimes.  If your kid has a meltdown, or you lose a behavior battle with them, have a short memory about it.  Correct them, remind them you love them, and move on.  

If you take only one thing from this post, let it be this: you're not the only one trying to outsmart your kids. Give yourself some grace, or at the very least pour a glass of wine and grit your teeth until bedtime. 

~D & H