Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Eyes wide in this reverie but it's all still dark as night

 one breath separates us from the eternal...

i think of this, i think of you...

of honor...

what do i know of honor? how can i honor someone whom i love, who i more than myself? 

time has yet to bring me clarity. i miss your laugh, your shoes on the porch, our adventures, your presence and jalapeno ranch chips. some things, i can't bring myself to do. i haven't gone climbing. i can't buy those chips you loved to bring to our house and that we'd power through before dinner. 

my dear brother, what can i say here that does your light, your soul any justice?  i miss you is not enough. your legacy is love. you were there when we stamped our daughters' hands in concrete at our first home, you were there with me through so many nights of asthma attacks where i was sure that i wouldn't live through to see daylight, you were there at our wedding, there at my graduation and there...the best place of all, on our couch reading to our girls. my beloved brother, you are so loved and so missed. you have been there all my life and i am not ready to accept a life without you. you are a part of me and part of our family, and honor for me means that your spirit - is always here. 

i miss you. i pray your soul is at rest, our beloved nathan you are so loved.