Friday, February 20, 2015

Russian Tea

Here at D & H we like to share. Unfortunately these past couple of weeks that included sharing a cold.  Hello cough drops & Kleenex.  Goodbye sweet sleep.  

My mom used to make me and my siblings a special drink when we were sick, she called it Russian Tea.  A while back when I Googled it I was surprised that it was actually a thing, honestly I thought it was something she just made up, similar to "the crust of the bread has all the nutrients".

Anyway...I thought I would share our favorite drink to sip on when a cold finds its way to our house.

For the mix you will need:
1/2 Cup Instant Iced Tea Mix
1 Cup Tang (orange beverage mix that's not just for kids!)
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 Tsp Ground Cinnamon 
1/4 Tsp Cloves 

I typically go a little heavier on the cloves, but that is just my taste.  This mix is really forgiving so if you overdo it on the spices, just add a little more Tang & iced tea mix to mellow it out. 

I store the mix in a tin and use 2ish tablespoons of mix for each 12 oz cup of hot water. 

Next cold season I plan to make extra mix in Mason jars & give it to friends. 

There it, sweet, tangy relief!  We hope you're staying healthy and warm this week! 

~D & H

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