Saturday, July 15, 2017

Cheap Frills: Current Favorite Drugstore Beauty Buys

First, let me start by saying that I am not really a makeup person.  Most YouTube makeup tutorials baffle me - the time, money and sheer volume of products that one can shellac on the face really is mind-blowing (caveat: I do love Cara from Maskcara Beauty, a tutorial all moms can relate to here.).  

Second, I'm not a model, so any attempt to pile on enough makeup every morning to look like one seems like a crazy way to start the day.

Lastly, I'm going to play a little fast and loose with the term "beauty" here. I use the term beauty when what a really mean is something similar to a weekly lawn mowing or enough clothing to avoid indecent exposure. 

So here they are, my favorite drugstore "beauty" buys. 

Shaving Cream
Do people still use shaving cream? I use a cheap conditioner like Suave's Tropical Coconut. I have very sensitive skin, so it is a much more gentle alternative that doesn't dry my skin and smells wonderful. 

Eye Makeup Remover 
My sister got me hooked on using Nivea's Soft lotion on a q-tip as an eye makeup remover, it is an easy way to remove makeup without drying out the skin. 

Pencil Sharpener
The Sonia Kashuk sharpener is perfectly sharpened and gets the job done well. Nothing like the right tool. 

Lotion That Smells Like Summer
I think there may be a moisturizing theme happening here.  Well, if I were marooned on an island, I'd hope to have this lotion with me because it feels amazing and if it tastes as good as it smells, dinner is served kids! 

Nailed It
The absolute BEST nail polish, hands down, or up, or frantically waving back and forth to quickly dry the polish.  Orly's French Manicure in "Rose-Colored Glasses" is elegantly simple & chip concealing, um, yes please!

Raising Eyebrows  
I've used more and less expensive brow products, this Ardell one is great and is a great bargain. I typically blend it in the palm of my hand before applying it, and go with the blonde shade even though my hair color is dark. 

Pucker Up
I love this Revlon Matte Balm "Striking Spectaculaire" giant crayon thing, the orange tone is just beautiful. The NYX matte lip liner in "Cannes" has a dusty pink color that is as current as it gets. 

Didn't Bat An Eye
My favorite mascara since...well ever & it is waterproof. Enough said. 

So here I am blogging about beauty buys. 

I'll just go laugh at myself now, 
D & H

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