Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Worth Listening: Lara Logan

I've realized that topics resonate more with me when they are presented by a working mother.  Like a talented pianist, there are combinations of notes that only they know to play, and which I need to hear.  

The podcast I have linked below is an interview with the fearless Lara Logan, one of the most intelligent, perceptive, articulate and genuine people I have ever heard.  


If you are unfamiliar with her, she is the chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News, and her work is not from an ivory tower, there has been no privilege of safety or respect for her.  She is grounded, thoughtful and has incredible optimism.  

A lot of people are full of crap. They say things they don't mean, or understand. They speak to situations or statistics that they heard or read. She is different, she speaks only from experience. 

She is raw data, crunched by a kick-ass computing machine then summarized like a poet.

Everyday I listen to various podcasts or lectures, some are for my work, and some are just for myself - to have the benefit of other experiences and expertise.  Regardless of how challenging and infuriating work can be, I want to keep it in the forefront of my mind that so many women around the world do not even have the opportunity to work or the ability to choose their work as I do.  It is easy to be complacent, to be so caught up in our everyday challenges that we forget the big picture.  Her work is always a reminder for me that there is so much to learn, to be thankful for and to strive for.        

If you have an hour, during your commute or even just catching up on laundry, this is absolutely worth the listen.   

Link: Interview with Lara Logan 


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