Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I don't call her princess.

I don't call her princess because she isn't one.

I don't call her princess because she is so many wonderful things - smart, hilarious, sweet, observant, earnest, that the pretense of princess can add nothing to her worth

In the Bible, God calls us sons and daughters. There is no greater calling than to be a child of God.  I believe Jeremiah 29:11, that He has a plan and a purpose for her life and I believe that plan is far greater than anything I could even begin to pray for.  I know that as her mom, I am simply the steward of a wonderful gift.  I call her mine but I know she is His, and before I ever called her, He did.  So I will act accordingly.  

I call her to come with me to church and I call her to come with me to the mundane, the exciting, and the challenging situations of everyday life, and there, I call her kind, I call her compassionate, I call her loving and I call her intelligent.


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