Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Flavor of the Week: Bone Broth

"I don't get sick" 

This is what I tell myself when everyone is getting sick.  

In addition to combating the latest cold outbreak with sheer will-power, I've started drinking bone broth and trying to include it in my cooking so that the entire family can reap the benefits as well.

Chicken soup inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro, or as our parents said "it is good for the soul".

Who knew right?

There is a lot of info online about how to make it, the benefits and where to buy it.    

For the fam I've been cooking rice in it and adding it to pasta sauce (sneaky!) and for me I've been drinking it warm with some salt. 

It's not quite my morning latte, but hey, no one ever said lattes are good for the soul.

Stay healthy!
~D & H


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