Wednesday, April 4, 2018

MLK: Letter from a Birmingham Jail

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr's assassination.  I encourage you to take the time to read his "Letter From a Birmingham Jail".  

My words can do no justice to MLK's letter, but if you have yet to read it, I will say a few words about his letter since it has absolutely influenced my perspective on several issues, including recent marches and protests. 

He communicates his thought process, strategy and leadership for his campaign with an eloquence and authority that is incredibly moving, but most importantly, his letter highlights the love he has for his fellow man.  

His letter was written with love poured over every word; love for those who agreed with him and those who didn't.  Love was the beautiful chorus around which his verses were written.  His words were torturous, humbling and inspiring to read; not only had he been put through atrocities against the human heart, soul and body, but he reacted with a composure, methodical process and articulate message that resulted in real and lasting change for our entire country. 

His purpose came from an empirical understanding of injustice.  His message was clear because vandals and antagonists could not participate in his cause.  He spoke and acted with love for his fellow man and his mark on our country cannot be understated. 

I hope you take the time to honor him and read his beautiful letter.
~D & H

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