Friday, June 8, 2018

breastfeeding: the real eat, pray, love.

Prior to having kids I did not consider what breastfeeding would require of me - that it would impact everything from when I sleep to what I eat, drink and wear.  It is demanding.  I also did not realize the connection and quality time that it would give me with my girls. 

I am so thankful that I have been able to breastfeed both of my girls and that I work in environments that provide clean spaces for me to pump when I am at work.  

It is difficult to explain the mental gear shift that happens before and after breastfeeding - my pregame routine for hockey begins with a feeding session, and throughout the day when I step away from work to feed (or pump) it can be a challenging momentum shift. 

But these moments are so special to me.  I've prayed for these girls and I couldn't love them more.  

For all of you breastfeeding mommas out there, I hope that today you take a deep breath and enjoy your little miracle!  As moms we tackle countless issues throughout the day, it is easy to miss the little victories, like a few minutes to just sit down and stare at our baby. 

If you have a friend, family member or colleague that is breastfeeding, please remember that she has a 2-4 hour breastfeeding timer - her body is working to nourish her baby even when the baby isn't there and to maintain her milk supply she needs to pump when her baby would need to feed. Be considerate of her time. Be respectful of her privacy when she needs to feed.  If she is carrying a breastfeeding bag (to or from!) where she pumps, you do not need to urgently stop her and talk to her. Give her peace; her mind and body are working overtime.   

Below are a few links that I have found helpful.

Psalm 127:3
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.  


The authority on everything breastfeeding- including charts with info on breastmilk storage.

Using your Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) for breastfeeding products

I always give new moms that I meet the items below when they are planning to breastfeed.
Lanolin: Use after EACH feeding, no exceptions!
Gel Pads: When just starting to breastfeed, keep these in the freezer and after each time you breastfeed apply lanolin then these pads.  It will keep your nips from cracking!   
Milk Storage Bags: Lay them down in the freezer so that they freeze flat, then place upright in bins to keep organized by date. 
Boppy Breastfeeding Pillow: There is a reason this pillow is the #1 best seller. 


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