Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Sick Kid Mode: Routines & Helpful Products for When Kids Are Sickies

For prevention:

Look, we all know the sicky season is coming.  Good habits now will payoff big...at least that is what I am telling myself.  Lysol Wipes are a must. I try to wipe down the bathrooms with these at least a few times a week.  I also use them on the TV remote, crib, chair backs, light switches, phones, fridge handles, cabinet handles and ALL doorknobs. 

For instant relief:

The steamy bathroom
This is my number one remedy and probably the only one that the kids don't mind at all.  The kids don't even need to be the ones in the shower, I got my kids dressed in the bathroom just so the steam could help loosen up the gook in their noses. Gross, yes. Effective, YES. 

Aspirator (from the hospital
Drug store aspirators we've had just don't work as well, but the one from the hospital is legit.  I've heard some people say things like "ew, if you open one of those aspirators they are DISGUSTING inside, that's why I don't use it anymore" and I am just wondering if I can buy some of their time because clearly they are using it wrong. Why would you open it?  Why were you surprised it was disgusting?  OF COURSE IT IS DISGUSTING!  The ENTIRE idea is for all of my kid's snot to be out of their nose and into this little bulb thingy, so I would be more disappointed if it wasn't gross in there. Anyway.  Another aside: I am not a fan of the nose frida. I know some people that swear by it but really, I am trying to be like a navy seal with the snot sucking situation, I need to be quiet, quick and effective. Setting up a changing table surgery center with the nose frida cord, vacuum, filter gizmo just has never worked for me.  The kids see it, hate it and fight back. Nah uh.  That is a lot of writing for a snot sucker, but you know what, I've got opinions. 

Baby bottle medicine dispenser
I can't say enough for this little product, it is genius.  MUST. HAVE. 

Sometimes I keep the bathroom light dim, light a eucalyptus candle and play spa music during bath time.  Other times I give my big kid a popsicle during bath time and afterwards let her cuddle with us on the couch instead of story time before bed.  

Give kids comfort in more ways than just pain or congestion relief. 

Saline spray drops  
These are for nasal congestion and are kid hated, but they actually work and I find myself keeping the spray in the diaper bag all the time. 

One of the best times to get after your kid's nasal congestion without worrying about them squirming out of your arms is when they are safely in their carseat.  You can see what you are doing and hopefully make it as quick as possible. 

For night time:
Cool mist humidifier
These add moisture to the air to help relieve congestion and coughing, they are also good to have going all the time for kids that have eczema - especially in the cooler months of the year when the heater in your house is running.  

Cleaning them can be a little annoying - I just fill the base of ours with vinegar and let it soak for about 10 minutes, then take an old toothbrush to scrub it clean, then rinse with water.  For the reservoir I fill it with warm water and 1tbsp of bleach, let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it.  

Hope that is helpful. If you have other things that you do when your kids are sick, I would LOVE to hear it. 

Stay healthy! 


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