Monday, January 19, 2015

Cheap Frill - $10 Wreath

After taking down all of our Christmas decorations, dare I say un-decking the halls, our home was shockingly bare.

One of the clips from HGTV's Fixer Upper show (which we LOVE!) gave me the idea to create a simple wreath to hang over our windows. (Photo inspo here:

My mother-in-law had sent a spray painted bouquet that I hadn't figured out just what to do with, so I bought a twig wreath for four wrinkled Washingtons and got to arranging.  The point was to add a little texture and depth to the wall without taking the focus off of the windows (which BTW were one of our first DIY projects almost eight years ago, they were going to be THROWN AWAY at a job site, can you believe it? D brought them home and we sanded them on our tiny apartment porch and painted them in the kitchen!)

Here is the finished wreath - it is a little girly but no objections from D so I hung it up.

Here is what you will need:
Bouquet of flowers/foliage - I found one similar to what my MIL brought for $6 at Safeway!
Twig Wreath $4
Hot Glue Gun & Glue
1 Command Sticky Hook (3-5 lb)

Cut the foliage/flower stems into ~5 inch length sections.

To arrange the pieces slip them into crevasses between the twigs, maintaining the same direction as you move around the wreath (i.e. place bottom of stem between twigs, rotate wreath counterclockwise and continue).

Since the twigs in the wreath are so exposed, go easy on the hot glue otherwise it will show through. Seriously killer, go easy, like REALLY easy.
Use the twirled pieces of the wreath to help you position the foliage/flower stems.  I did one layer of foliage then went around a second time adding smaller pieces where it seemed more bare.

This wreath took me about 15-20 minutes to make, it was definitely an easy one!  The purple foliage is outside of our typical style but in the lighting of our home the color doesn't come across too severe.  

A few tips:
-Put a plate under the hot glue gun to protect your work surface
-Put lotion on your hands before using a hot glue gun, that way if (heaven forbid!) glue gets on your hand it is easy to slide right off

Well with the holidays over it does seem like there is a little less cheer in the air, but we can enjoy the start of a new year and the rewards of healthy routines!

Stay inspired!
~D & H