Saturday, April 8, 2017

Whiskey Shelf

Ladies, the odds of getting a Pinterest project done by your husband increase if you offer him a blowtorch.  

D made this beautiful whiskey shelf for me and I love the burnt finish, the copper, the size, the function, the know what, I just love it.  

Naturally during the build process I was taking pictures.  Then, at some point (after being dropped too many times) my phone died and those beautiful moments of my husband lighting this shelf on fire in our driveway live on only in our memories. 

Ahhh that DIY tutorial was literally up in flames, so this is less of a DIY post and more of a "look at this" post. 

Yep, it's a beauty. 
~D & H 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Fish Enchiladas

There is an amazing restaurant "Verde" in Kauai that serves up delicious fish enchiladas and refreshing margaritas, a perfect treat for some outdoor spring dining - here is my version of those enchiladas 

What you need:
For the Enchiladas
Tortillas (I used taco sized corn tortillas)
2 cans enchilada sauce - 1 red, 1 green
Mozzarella Cheese

For the fried fish
1 Egg
Bread crumbs

First we are going to fry up the talapia (this is my go-to for fish tacos too)

1) Pour 1/2 cup of oil into a pan on medium heat
2) Lightly cover both sides of the fish with flour
3) Beat the egg and brush both sides of the fish with the egg (so the breadcrumbs will stick)
4) Sprinkle bread crumbs over both sides of fish, then repeat with salt and paprika.  Any bread crumbs work, I used the ones below but typically use panko bread crumbs

5) Fry the fish until brown on both sides ~5 minutes per side

Now we are going to assemble the enchiladas.  (I used 1 large piece of fish for each enchilada stack and put each enchilada stack in an 8 in pie pan.)   For the enchiladas I like to alternate the tortilla layers - 1 fish layer, followed by 1 cheese layer, another fish layer then one last cheese layer.  Healthy!
6)  Place 1/4 cup of enchilada sauce in the bottom of the pan, add a tortilla
7) Add 1/2 of the talapia, gently broken into chunks and cover with cheese
8) Pour 1/4 cup of green enchilada sauce over the stack
9) Add another tortilla, layered with cheese and red sauce
10) Add another tortilla, layer with the remaining fish, sprinkle with cheese and top with enchilada sauce
11) Place the top tortilla, sprinkle with cheese and pour red and green sauces over the top 
12) Cover with foil and bake at 375 degrees for roughly 30 minutes. 

I served the fish enchiladas with rice and it was a hit! 

Good catch eh, 
~D & H 


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

They're watching us.

Recently my daughter has been moving the rug by our sliding door to the middle of the living room so she can stand on it, then roll around on it for a while she grunts and babbles.  The first time she did this I wasn't sure what she was up to, then she did this...
Yep, that's the yoga "chair" pose.  Duh - she moved the rug to where I put down my yoga mat to practice, she was doing what I do! Wait, oh no....she was doing what I do.   

It isn't always at the forefront of my mind how much she watches me, thankfully the times that I have been reminded it has been positive - but I am sure there will be times when I wonder at her behavior then cringe because it mirrors mine.

Our kids are watching us, we might not always think so but they are.  Let's challenge ourselves to be aware and intentional in our actions, and of the example that we set for them to follow.  

I want my little girl to see me showing love and compassion towards my family.  I want her to see me present, to see my time and energy invested in things that actually matter and to see me follow through with what I say I will do.  I want her to value a strong mind and nurture her body because she saw me do the same.      

There are always going to be storms that life throws our way, worse yet there will be storms that life throws at our kids, our example will teach them how to weather those storms.  They're watching us, so let's teach them to be consistent even when it isn't convenient, let's show them how to be flexible but strong, patient yet focused, steadfast, intentional and present.  

Or let's at least do some yoga,
D & H