Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hot Toddies & Diamonds

“A diamond 

is a chunk of coal 

that did well under pressure.” 

Henry Kissinger


According to that quote, after this head cold I am going to have a brain diamond rattling around in my skull.  Wonderful.  Thank you sinus pressure.  


To reduce the diamond making process we've been sipping on these hot toddies before bed and trying to recover, here is what you'll need to make some too:


  • Brandy or Whiskey

  • Water

  • 2 Tablespoons of Honey

  • 1 Tablespoon of Lemon

    Put the honey, lemon and tea bags into a tea pot (or divide into two mugs), add boiling water and let the tea steep for five minutes, it should be a non-appealing yellow color.  Pour into a mug and add a shot of the brandy or whiskey.  Take a sip, and enjoy the simple, sweet and tangy warmth!

     To be honest, I've only ever drank this when I'm sick, so it may taste awful with clear sinuses....hopefully in a few days I will know for sure! 

    ~D & H

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