Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Easy Way To Teach Kids Their Address

I had an "aha" moment a few weeks ago as my toddler was reciting the names of the Bubble Guppies - why does she not know our address and phone numbers?   

God forbid she ever need the information, but the thought of my kid running around this earth knowing the Bub-bub-bub-bub-bubble Guppies and not her address just seemed insane. 

So I taught her the same way I accidentally taught her the lyrics to "Body Like a Back Road" - repetition.

Each time I pull into the driveway, I recite our address and phone numbers. 

This is how it goes for us:
"E do you know where you live? Where do you live?" Then I say our address. 
"Do you know how to call mommy? Say call my mommy," then I say my phone number.   Within a few weeks, she had it memorized.

I love my kids. I'd low jack them if I could, but I can't, I asked. So this is giving me some peace.  

I may not be there at every moment to hold their hands, but I pray that no matter where they go, they will always find the way home. 

If you give this a try, or have other ways you teach your kids about basic safety, I'd love to hear it! 

~D & H

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