Monday, January 2, 2017

DIY Lip Polish

Okay, let's chat about lipstick, kids & husbands.  They don't mix.  Good chat, good chat. 

Now let's chat about that lipstick junkyard you have stashed in your bathroom.  I know, I know, that color was the perfect winter red. I get it.  Even though I like to keep it simple when it comes to makeup,  I have to admit that I have a lipstick junkyard too.  Well, not anymore!  I decided to clean it out and use my old lipsticks to create a lip polish - a non-sticky, super moisturizing, delicious smelling, idiot proof application, gentle pop of color.  

I am very particular about colors and textures so creating my own lip polish lets me get colors that are just right for my skin tone and that are not sticky or goopy.

All you need to create your own is 15 minutes and a few items you can probably scavenge from around your house. 

Scavenger Hunt:
Aquaphor (Vaseline, Bag Balm or A & D Ointment are alternatives)
Baby Wipes
Makeup Brush
Empty Makeup Container 
A small bowl (I didn't use one to mix everything and totally should have)

For mine I used the Candy Cane Chapstick which I absolutely love (it smells delicious!) and I used a Bare Minerals container that previously held face powder.

Start by mashing half of the Chapstick tube into the bowl, then mixing a 1/4 inch chunk of your chosen lipstick color.  Mix together until there are no clumps of Chapstick.

Now add roughly 1/8 teaspoon of the Aquaphor and mix well.  This gives the lip polish a deeper moisture and just a hint of shine. 

This lipstick was a little too brown for me so I used a dollop of a Wet 'N Wild lipstick I had (which happens to have an adorable name) to shift the tone a little closer towards red.  

Mix it until it is smooth.  If you mixed it in a bowl, transfer it to your chosen container and clean the edge of the container with a baby wipe.  Wonderful.  

This little DIY is very forgiving (and ideally it is free), so don't be afraid to mess up or remix the color if it isn't just right, just add more Chapstick or add another lipstick tone until you get a color that works for you.  

A little dab is all you need for moisturized, totally kissable lips. Yay! 

This one below was actually the first one I made, I have no idea what color this is by NARS but my sister gave it to me and I was obsessed with it, but while I was sharpening it one day it broke and I just could not let the broken piece go to waste!  I used that piece for the lip polish below using the same recipe as above, except here the only color I used was this NARS color.  I absolutely love it!  FYI the container is a L'oreal blush cream container.

The color looks intense in the jar but it is really just a gentle tint went applied
So easy, even I could do it! 

This is absolutely my new favorite makeup item!

Now I have one for my purse and one for my car and it didn't cost anything...well, I'm sure it will cost a few kisses! 

~ D & H

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